Friday, June 26, 2009

A lot to update!

So after having Dakin, I took a hiatus on blogging but we are back and ready to keep it updated! Dakin is 14 weeks old and the cutest thing in the whole world. Just to get everything up to date, I am going to post a few pictures of him up to this point.

Right now though, he is smiling all the time, and starting to giggle! Trent is the best at getting the giggles out. He still has a lot of his hair, and yes, it is still in mohawk form. He is such a joy, we couldn't ask for anything more from him.

Friday, March 13, 2009

First blog!

So I can't believe that I have started a blog, considering that I didn't even know what that was a few short months ago! This will be fun though for all of you to keep up to date on our family of four (yes, we do include our kitty, Barkley) and what we have been up to!

So Dakin is coming in T minus 4 days and we can't wait. As excited as Trent and I both are, we are in for a shock I am sure! It seems like this pregnancy is lasting forever and we can't wait to meet our little baby boy. Dakin James Nobles is going to be one spoiled baby!

I have posted a few pictures of his nursery for those of you who have not seen it, and an ultrasound picture. I figured I would also suck it up and post a picture of my huge belly, though this was taken a few weeks back if you can believe it!

Keep checking the website for posts and after Tuesday, March 17th, we will be posting some more pictures of our little St. Patrick's Day baby! We love you all so much!